PROJECT: Part-time Manager (PTMan)


PTMan is a desktop human resource application used for managing part-time employees.

PTMan aims to give part-time employees the freedom of choosing when they want to work by registering for the available shifts set by the manager. Thereby reducing the hassle of work scheduling for both employers and employees.

The user interacts with the application using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 10 kLoC.

Summary of contributions

  • Major enhancement: Added an interactive timetable.

    • What it does:

      • Provides a sophisticated timetable which displays the shifts added by managers.

      • Instantly reflects any changes to shifts on the timetable. This includes the addition/deletion of a shift, and the application/removal of an employee to/from a shift.

      • Allows easy navigation across the different weeks through keyboard shortcuts or mouse clicks.

      • Allows employees to view the shifts they are assigned to on the timetable.

      • Allows users to view which employees are working in any particular shift.

      • Supports the exporting of timetable as image to be saved as a file locally, or forwarded to users through our email service.

    • Justification: This feature improves the user experience of PTMan significantly because a user can get helpful visual feedback whenever changes are made to the shifts in PTMan. Convenience is also brought to employees through the ability to export their work timetable, allowing them to refer to it in the future without the need to access the app.

    • Highlights: This enhancement puts user experience in high regard. Lots of consideration is put into making the feature easy to use and useful for users. The implementation of this enhancement mainly required changes to Ui, Model, and Logic components.

    • Credits: CalendarFX

  • Minor enhancement:

    • Allocated different colors for different tags that are assigned to employees. This allows users to easily classify and identify the different tags.

    • Modified the result display to display error messages in red. This allows users to quickly identify when they make a mistake.

  • Code contributed: [Functional code] [Test code]

  • Other contributions:

    • Project management:

      • Managed releases v1.2, v1.4, v1.4.1, v1.5rc and v1.5 on GitHub

      • Populated application with sample data for demo purposes. #227

    • Enhancements to existing features:

      • Revamped the GUI theme. #150, #166

      • Add the Admin Mode label that appears when user enters admin mode. #125

    • Documentation:

      • Rephrased, reformatted and updated screenshots in the User Guide. #228, #238

      • Added user stories and use cases for the Developer Guide. #9

    • Community:

      • Reported bugs and suggestions for other teams in the module. #148, #178, #153, #164

    • Tools:

Contributions to the User Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the User Guide. They showcase my ability to write documentation targeting end-users.

Graphical User Interface

This section will help you understand the different sections of PTMan’s Graphical User Interface(GUI).

Figure 1 below shows a typical PTMan GUI with its different sections highlighted and labelled.

Figure 1. Typical PTMan with UI Sections Highlighted

Following the labels in Figure 1, here are what the different sections are responsible for.

Label Name What it is for


Command Box

Allows you to type in your commands into PTMan.


Result Display

Shows the resulting feedback from your most recent command.


Outlet Display

Displays all your outlet details.


Timetable Panel

Displays the weekly timetable containing all the shifts stored in PTMan.


Employee List Panel

Shows a list of all the part-time employees stored in PTMan.


PTMan has a timetable that displays all the shifts in a weekly format. There are many interactions between the timetable and you, as a user, so this section aims to familiarise you with the timetable.

Shift colours

The shifts in PTMan are colour-coded, and here is what the different colours mean:

  • Green: Shift is available with multiple slots left.

  • Yellow: Shift is available, but slots are running out.

  • Red: Shift is no longer available, all slots for the shift have run out.

  • Blue: Shift is taken up by currently selected employee.

  • Brown: Shift is not taken up by currently selected employee.

Figure 2 below shows how the timetable looks like in a sample PTMan app.

Feature Timetable1
Figure 2. A Sample Timetable with Shifts

PTMan also allows employees to view their own shifts using the select command. Figure 3 shows how the timetable look like in a sample PTMan app when an employee is selected.

Feature Timetable2
Figure 3. A Sample Timetable with Shifts after select

Timetable navigation

There are two ways to navigate through the different weeks in the timetable:

  1. Using Keyboard Shortcuts

    • For Windows:

      • Ctrl + Shift + : Navigates timetable to the next week.

      • Ctrl + Shift + : Navigates timetable to the previous week.

      • Ctrl + Shift + : Navigates timetable to the current week.

    • For Mac:

      • Command + Shift + : Navigates timetable to the next week.

      • Command + Shift + : Navigates timetable to the previous week.

      • Command + Shift + : Navigates timetable to the current week.

  2. Using Mouse Clicks

    • At the top of the timetable, there is a navigation bar with two arrow buttons which you can click on. These buttons < and > navigates the timetable to the previous and next week respectively. Figure 4 below shows the navigation bar, with the two arrow buttons circled.

      Feature Timetable3
      Figure 4. Navigation Bar of Timetable

Listing all employees: viewshift

Shows a list of all employees who have applied for the specified shift index in PTMan.

Format: viewshift SHIFT_INDEX
Shorthand: vs SHIFT_INDEX

To stop displaying the employees of the specified shift, use the list command.

Guided Example:

  • To view all employees in the second shift, key in the following as illustrated in Figure 5.

    Ui viewshift1
    Figure 5. Viewing Employees in Shift 2
  • Upon successful execution of the command, you will see a confirmation message in the result display, and the employees listed in the employee list panel as shown in Figure 6.

    Ui viewshift2
    Figure 6. Successful Edit of Employee Details in PTMan

Displaying an employee’s shift on the timetable: select

Displays the shifts of the selected employee on the timetable view. Shifts applied by the selected employee would be displayed in blue, while the other shifts would be displayed in brown.

Format: select EMPLOYEE_INDEX
Shorthand: sel EMPLOYEE_INDEX

Alternatively, you can select an employee by clicking on the employee’s card in the employee list.
To stop displaying the employee’s shifts on the timetable, use the deselect command.

Guided Example:

  • To highlight shifts applied by the third employee, key in the following as illustrated in Figure 7.

    Ui select1
    Figure 7. Selecting Employee to Highlight Applied Shifts

    Figure 2 shows how the timetable looks like prior to the select command.

    Feature Timetable1
    Figure 8. Initial Timetable Before Selection of Employee
  • Upon successful execution of the command, you will see a confirmation message in the result display, and the shifts highlighted in the timetable as shown in Figure 9.

    Ui select2
    Figure 9. Successful Selection of Employee with Shifts Highlighted

More Examples:

  • To select the employee 1 in the results of the find command and display their shifts in the timetable, type:
    find Betsy
    select 1

Deselecting an employee: deselect

Displays the timetable without any employee selected. Useful for users to navigate back to the default timetable after using the select command.

Format: deselect Shorthand: dsel

Exporting the timetable as image: export

Exports the current timetable displayed as an image and either saves it locally into the location for your jar file, or emails the exported timetable to the input email address.

Format: export [e/EMAIL]
Shorthand: exp [e/EMAIL]

Guided Example:

  • To export the timetable and email it to yourself, key in the following as illustrated in Figure 10.

    Ui export1
    Figure 10. Exporting Timetable to Email
  • Upon successful execution of the command, you will see a confirmation message in the result display as shown in Figure 11.

    Ui export2
    Figure 11. Successful Export of Timetable to Email

    An email will also be sent to you as show in Figure 12.

    Ui export3
    Figure 12. Successful Selection of Employee with Shifts Highlighted

More Examples:

  • To export the current timetable in PTMan, type:

  • To export the timetable with the shifts of employee 1 in PTMan, type:
    select 1

  • To export the timetable with the shifts of employee 1 in PTMan and send the exported timetable as email, type:
    select 1
    export e/

Contributions to the Developer Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the Developer Guide. They showcase my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to the project.

Timetable Feature

PTMan has a timetable that increases interactivity between users and shifts. Figure 2 below shows how the timetable looks like.

Feature Timetable1
Figure 13. Example of the Timetable in PTMan

Reason for implementation

A timetable is useful for both employers and employees, as it allows them to visualise the shifts and access them via their indexes. The timetable instantly reflects any changes to the shifts and allows selected employee’s shifts to be highlighted. Users are also allowed to export the timetable as image for future reference. All in all, the timetable feature improves user experience and brings convenience to the user.

How it is implemented

The timetable is created with the help of the CalendarFX library, and TimetablePanel is the main class in charge of displaying the timetable.

TimetablePanel contains the following JavaFX components:

  1. A CalendarView object. CalendarView is a class in CalendarFX, and it is responsible for displaying the timetable in the TimetablePanel.

  2. A BorderPane object. BorderPane is the object in charge of displaying the navigation bar of the timetable.

  3. A Label object. Label is the object in charge of displaying the text (in this case, the month and year) in the navigation bar.

  4. Two Button objects. Each of the Button object is in charge of displaying the left/right buttons in the navigation bar. It allows users to click on them to navigate through the weeks in the timetable.

  5. A VBox object. VBox is in charge of laying BorderPane and CalendarView out in a vertical column.

Figure 14 below shows a class diagram of the TimetablePanel and its association with JavaFX components.

Figure 14. Overview of the TimetablePanel Class in the UI Component

A TimetablePanel is created with its constructor:

public TimetablePanel(Logic logic) {
    // ...
    this.logic = logic;
    this.shiftObservableList = logic.getFilteredShiftList();
    this.outletInformation = logic.getOutletInformation();
    // ...

Using the logic argument, the TimetablePanel constructor initialises shiftObservableList and outletInformation. These pieces of information are important to the TimetablePanel because:

  • shiftObservableList is an ObservableList<Shift> object, and is responsible for providing TimetablePanel with the shifts required to build the timetable. Shifts are added to the timetable in the method setShifts().

  • outletInformation is an OutletInformation object, and is responsible for providing TimetablePanel with the operating hours of the outlet. The timetable re-scales according to the operating hours of the outlet, in the method setTimetableRange().

Updating the timetable

The main method in charge of updating the timetable is updateTimetableView(). When this method is called, the Label in the navigation bar is set to show the month that is being displayed on the timetable, and the timetable is rebuilt with the newly set shifts and operating hours. updateTimetableView() is called whenever a PartTimeManagerChangedEvent, TimetableWeekChangeRequestEvent or EmployeePanelSelectionChangedEvent is posted.

We will use PartTimeManagerChangedEvent to illustrate updateTimetableView() works. Figure 15 below shows a high level sequence diagram of what happens when a PartTimeManagerChangedEvent is posted and how it causes the UI to call updateTimetableView().

Figure 15. Component Interactions for a PartTimeManagerChangedEvent

Figure 16 below shows the sequence diagram of how TimetablePanel carries out updateTimetableView() to respond to a PartTimeManagerChangedEvent.

Figure 16. Sequence Diagram to Update Timetable

Here are some examples of when updateTimetableView() is called:

  • A Shift is added, removed, or altered: PartTimeManagerChangedEvent is posted which is handled by calling updateTimetableView() to rebuild the timetable with the changed shifts.

  • OutletInformation is edited: OutletInformationChangedEvent is posted which is handled by calling updateTimetableView() to rebuild the timetable and fit in the updated operating hours.

  • The user wants to navigate the timetable to the next/previous/current week: TimetableWeekChangeRequestEvent is posted which is handled by calling navigateToNextWeek(), navigateToPreviousWeek() or navigateToCurrWeek() accordingly. All of these methods call updateTimetableView() to rebuild the timetable displaying the appropriate weeks.

  • Selection/Deselection of an employee: EmployeePanelSelectionChangedEvent is posted which is handled by calling loadEmployeeTimetable(employee) or loadDefaultTimetable() accordingly. Both of these methods call updateTimetableView() to rebuild the timetable with the appropriate colours of the entries.


The following are commands that are supported as part of the timetable feature:

  1. SelectCommand: Selects an employee and highlight their shifts on the timetable.

  2. DeselectCommand: Returns the timetable back to the default view of the current week.

  3. ExportCommand: Exports timetable as an image.

Viewing of individual employee’s shifts

PTMan allows employees to highlight their own shifts on the timetable through SelectCommand. When a particular employee is being selected, EmployeePanelSelectionChangedEvent is posted with the selected employee as its argument.

EmployeePanelSelectionChangedEvent has the following constructor:

public EmployeePanelSelectionChangedEvent(EmployeeCard newSelection)

TimetablePanel subscribes to this event and handles it by calling the loadEmployeeTimetable method for the newSelection.

Returning to default view of timetable

The DeselectCommand deselects any selected employee and returns the timetable back to its default style. EmployeePanelSelectionChangedEvent is posted with null as its argument.

TimetablePanel subscribes to this event and handles it by calling the loadDefaultTimetable method.

Exporting timetable

Exporting of the timetable is triggered by ExportCommand, which:

  • Saves the timetable as an image locally if no email address is specified, or

  • Sends the timetable as an image through email if an email address is specified.

The former posts an ExportTimetableAsImageRequestEvent, while the latter posts an ExportTimetableAsImageAndEmailRequestEvent, both of which are subscribed to by TimetablePanel.

TimetablePanel handles them by calling exportTimetableAsImage or exportTimetableAsImageAndEmail accordingly. The exporting works by taking a Snapshot of the timetableView node, and then writing it into a local file. If exportTimetableAsImageAndEmail is called instead of exportTimetableAsImage, this image will be emailed through the EmailService class, and then deleted from local storage.